Seaweed as a food or snack isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Variation is the spice of life and Shutterbean has created some fun snack ideas utilizing Roasted Seaweed Snacks from gimMe Snacks. These ideas are both healthy and delicious (not to mention different!). First, what is a seaweed snack? They are convenient snack-sized sheets that are lightly roasted and crisped to perfection. So much flavor for an organic (sea) vegetable! You can eat them on their own like this- in their convenient snack-sized sheets.
Shutterbean suggests that it can be used as an ingredient to add flavor to food or snacks. Just chop it up with a mini food processor or chop finely with a knife.
Seaweed + Popcorn
Have you ever tried it on popcorn? You should if you haven’t because it’s delicious. Sprinkle crumbled seaweed on hot popcorn with a little salt. It adds a great depth of flavor!
Seaweed + Sesame Guacamole
You can use the seaweed snacks as chips! Here they are paired with Shutterbean’s sesame guacamole. Double up on the seaweed for extra crunch.
Seaweed + Hard-boiled Egg
Want to fancy up a hard-boiled egg? Crumble seaweed on top, drizzle a little soy sauce and sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds.
Edamame Avocado Salad with Seaweed
A snack that can be turned into lunch if you want. Mix edamame and avocado with some soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, seaweed, and toasted sesame seeds. Adjust taste to your liking.
The seaweed makes it taste like sushi! You can take a few sheets of the seaweed and place a bit of the salad on to make a makeshift sushi roll.
Crispy Wonton Seaweed Chips
This snack is pretty simple if you’re experienced with frying things. All of you have to do is take one egg white and brush it on top of a wonton wrapper sheet. Then you place seaweed on top and brush on a little more egg wash to make sure it sticks. Fry them in a pot with vegetable oil on medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes. Serve with a little salt. They pair well with the sesame guacamole. Warning- they are slightly ADDICTIVE.
For more inspiration please visit Shutterbean’s website.
You can find delicious snacks from gimMe at your local Bashas’ in the Ethnic aisle.